* @file 碁盤クラスです。
* このコードはPyaqの移植コードです。
* @see {@link https://github.com/ymgaq/Pyaq}
* @author 市川雄二
* @copyright 2018 ICHIKAWA, Yuji (New 3 Rs)
* @license MIT
import { shuffle, mostCommon, random } from './utils.js';
import { X_LABELS, IntersectionState } from './board_constants.js';
import { StoneGroup } from './stone_group.js';
/// ニューラルネットワークへの入力に関する履歴の深さです。
const KEEP_PREV_CNT = 7;
const FEATURE_CNT = KEEP_PREV_CNT * 2 + 4;
* ニューラルネットワークの入力のインデックスを計算します。
* @param {UInt16} rv 碁盤の交点の線形座標
* @param {Integer} f フィーチャー番号
function featureIndex(rv, f) {
return rv * FEATURE_CNT + f;
* 碁盤の基本クラスです。
class BaseBoard {
* @param {BoardConstants} constants
* @param {number} komi
constructor(constants, komi = 7.5) {
this.C = constants;
this.komi = komi;
/** 交点の状態配列です。インデックスは拡張線形座標です。 */
this.state = new Uint8Array(this.C.EBVCNT);
this.id = new Uint16Array(this.C.EBVCNT); // 交点の連IDです。
this.next = new Uint16Array(this.C.EBVCNT); // 交点を含む連の次の石の座標です。
this.sg = []; // 連情報です。
for (let i = 0; i < this.C.EBVCNT; i++) {
this.sg.push(new StoneGroup(this.C));
this.prevState = [];
this.ko = this.C.VNULL;
/** 手番です。 */
this.turn = IntersectionState.BLACK;
/** 現在の手数です。 */
this.moveNumber = 0;
/** 直前の着手です。 */
this.prevMove = this.C.VNULL;
this.removeCnt = 0;
this.history = [];
this.hashValue = 0x87654321;
* 状態を初期化します。
reset() {
for (let x = 1; x <= this.C.BSIZE; x++) {
for (let y = 1; y <= this.C.BSIZE; y++) {
this.state[this.C.xy2ev(x, y)] = IntersectionState.EMPTY;
for (let i = 0; i < this.id.length; i++) {
this.id[i] = i;
for (let i = 0; i < this.next.length; i++) {
this.next[i] = i;
this.sg.forEach(e => { e.clear(false) });
this.prevState = [];
for (let i = 0; i < KEEP_PREV_CNT; i++) {
this.ko = this.C.VNULL;
this.turn = IntersectionState.BLACK;
this.moveNumber = 0;
this.prevMove = this.C.VNULL;
this.removeCnt = 0;
this.history = [];
this.hashValue = 0x87654321;
* destに状態をコピーします。
* @param {Board} dest
copyTo(dest) {
dest.state = this.state.slice();
dest.id = this.id.slice();
dest.next = this.next.slice();
for (let i = 0; i < dest.sg.length; i++) {
dest.prevState = [];
for (let i = 0; i < KEEP_PREV_CNT; i++) {
dest.ko = this.ko;
dest.turn = this.turn;
dest.moveNumber = this.moveNumber;
dest.removeCnt = this.removeCnt;
dest.history = this.history.slice();
dest.hashValue = this.hashValue;
* 拡張線形座標の配列を受け取って順に着手します。
* @param {Uin16[]} sequence
* @throws {Error}
playSequence(sequence) {
for (const v of sequence) {
* 交点にある石を含む連を盤上から打ち上げます。
* @param {Uint16} v 拡張線形座標
remove(v) {
let vTmp = v;
do {
this.removeCnt += 1;
this.state[vTmp] = IntersectionState.EMPTY;
this.id[vTmp] = vTmp;
for (const nv of this.C.neighbors(vTmp)) {
const vNext = this.next[vTmp];
this.next[vTmp] = vTmp;
vTmp = vNext;
} while (vTmp !== v);
* 交点にある石の連を結合します。
* @param {Uint16} v1 拡張線形座標
* @param {Uint16} v2 拡張線形座標
merge(v1, v2) {
let idBase = this.id[v1];
let idAdd = this.id[v2];
if (this.sg[idBase].getSize() < this.sg[idAdd].getSize()) {
let tmp = idBase;
idBase = idAdd;
idAdd = tmp;
let vTmp = idAdd;
do {
this.id[vTmp] = idBase;
vTmp = this.next[vTmp];
} while (vTmp !== idAdd);
const tmp = this.next[v1];
this.next[v1] = this.next[v2];
this.next[v2] = tmp;
* 交点vに着手するヘルパーメソッドです。
* 着手にはplayメソッドを使ってください。
* @private
* @param {Uint16} v 拡張線形座標
placeStone(v) {
const stoneColor = this.turn;
this.state[v] = stoneColor;
this.id[v] = v;
for (const nv of this.C.neighbors(v)) {
if (this.state[nv] === IntersectionState.EMPTY) {
} else {
for (const nv of this.C.neighbors(v)) {
if (this.state[nv] === stoneColor && this.id[nv] !== this.id[v]) {
this.merge(v, nv);
this.removeCnt = 0;
const opponentStone = IntersectionState.opponentOf(this.turn);
for (const nv of this.C.neighbors(v)) {
if (this.state[nv] === opponentStone && this.sg[this.id[nv]].getLibCnt() === 0) {
* 交点が着手禁止でないかを返します。
* 石が既に存在する交点、コウによる禁止、自殺手が着手禁止点です。
* @param {*} v 拡張線形座標
* @returns {bool}
legal(v) {
if (v === this.C.PASS) {
return true;
} else if (v === this.ko || this.state[v] !== IntersectionState.EMPTY) {
return false;
const stoneCnt = [0, 0];
const atrCnt = [0, 0];
for (const nv of this.C.neighbors(v)) {
const c = this.state[nv];
switch (c) {
case IntersectionState.EMPTY:
return true;
case IntersectionState.BLACK:
case IntersectionState.WHITE:
stoneCnt[c] += 1;
if (this.sg[this.id[nv]].getLibCnt() === 1) {
atrCnt[c] += 1;
return atrCnt[IntersectionState.opponentOf(this.turn)] !== 0 ||
atrCnt[this.turn] < stoneCnt[this.turn];
* 交点vが眼形かどうかを返します。
* コウ付きでコウを取れる場合、眼形と判定します。
* @private
* @param {Uint16} v
* @param {number} pl player color
eyeshape(v, pl) {
if (v === this.C.PASS) {
return false;
const opponent = IntersectionState.opponentOf(pl);
for (const nv of this.C.neighbors(v)) {
const c = this.state[nv];
if (c === IntersectionState.EMPTY || c === opponent) { // ポン抜きの形でなければ
return false;
if (c === pl && this.sg[this.id[nv]].getLibCnt() === 1) { // ポン抜きの形を作る石のどれかがアタリなら
return false;
const diagCnt = [0, 0, 0, 0];
const diagonals = this.C.diagonals(v);
for (const nv of diagonals) {
diagCnt[this.state[nv]] += 1;
const wedgeCnt = diagCnt[opponent] + (diagCnt[3] > 0 ? 1 : 0);
if (wedgeCnt === 2) {
for (const nv of diagonals) {
if (this.state[nv] === opponent &&
this.sg[this.id[nv]].getLibCnt() === 1 &&
this.sg[this.id[nv]].getVAtr() !== this.ko) {
return true;
return wedgeCnt < 2;
* 交点vに着手します。
* @param {*} v 拡張線形座標
* @param {*} notFillEye 眼を潰すことを許可しない
* @throws {Error}
play(v, notFillEye = false) {
if (!this.legal(v)) {
console.log(v, this.C.ev2str(v));
throw new Error('illegal move');
if (notFillEye && this.eyeshape(v, this.turn)) {
throw new Error('eye-fill move');
for (let i = KEEP_PREV_CNT - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
this.prevState[i + 1] = this.prevState[i];
this.prevState[0] = this.state.slice();
if (v === this.C.PASS) {
this.ko = this.C.VNULL;
} else {
const id = this.id[v];
this.ko = this.C.VNULL;
if (this.removeCnt === 1 && this.sg[id].getLibCnt() === 1 && this.sg[id].getSize() === 1) {
this.ko = this.sg[id].getVAtr();
this.prevMove = v;
this.hashValue ^= this.C.ZobristHashes[this.turn][v];
this.turn = IntersectionState.opponentOf(this.turn);
this.moveNumber += 1;
* ハッシュ値を返します。
* @returns {number}
hash() {
return this.hashValue + this.ko;
* 眼形を潰さないようにランダムに着手します。
* @returns {Uint16}
randomPlay() {
const emptyList = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.state.length; i++) {
if (this.state[i] === IntersectionState.EMPTY) {
for (const v of emptyList) {
try {
this.play(v, true);
return v;
} catch (e) {}
return this.C.PASS;
* colorかcolorに届く交点の数を返します。
* @private
* @param {InersectionState} color
* @returns {Integer}
pointsReach(color) {
const bd = this.state.map(e => e === color ? 1 : 0);
let reachable = bd.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
const open = [];
for (let i = 0; i < bd.length; i++) {
if (bd[i] === 1) {
while (open.length > 0) {
const v = open.shift();
for (const n of this.C.neighbors(v)) {
if (bd[n] !== 1 && this.state[n] === IntersectionState.EMPTY) {
bd[n] = 1;
return reachable;
* Tromp-Tayerスコアを返します。
* @returns {Number}
score() {
return this.pointsReach(IntersectionState.BLACK) - this.pointsReach(IntersectionState.WHITE) - this.komi;
* 眼以外着手可能な交点がなくなるまでランダムに着手します。
* showBoardがtrueのとき終局
* @param {bool}} showBoard
rollout(showBoard) {
while (this.moveNumber < this.C.EBVCNT * 2) {
const prevMove = this.prevMove;
const move = this.randomPlay();
if (showBoard && move !== this.C.PASS) {
console.log('\nmove count=%d', this.moveNumber);
if (prevMove === this.C.PASS && move === this.C.PASS) {
toString(mark = false) {
let result = this.xLabel();
for (let y = this.C.BSIZE; y > 0; y--) {
let lineStr = (' ' + y.toString()).slice(-2);
for (let x = 1; x <= this.C.BSIZE; x++) {
const v = this.C.xy2ev(x, y);
let xStr;
switch (this.state[v]) {
case IntersectionState.BLACK:
xStr = mark && v === this.prevMove ? '[X]' : ' X ';
case IntersectionState.WHITE:
xStr = mark && v === this.prevMove ? '[O]' : ' O ';
case IntersectionState.EMPTY:
xStr = ' . ';
xStr = ' ? ';
lineStr += xStr;
lineStr += (' ' + y.toString()).slice(-2);
result += lineStr + '\n';
result += this.xLabel();
return result;
* toStringのヘルパーメソッドです。
* @private
xLabel() {
let lineStr = ' ';
for (let x = 1; x <= this.C.BSIZE; x++) {
lineStr += ` ${X_LABELS[x]} `;
return lineStr + '\n';
* 碁盤をコンソールに出力します。
showboard(mark) {
* 着手可能な交点の情報を返します。
* @returns {Integer[]} 着手可能な交点線形座標(拡張線形座標ではありません)
candidates() {
const result = [];
for (let v = 0; v < this.state.length; v++) {
if (this.legal(v)) {
return result;
* 統計的手法で整地した結果を返します。
* @private
finalScore() {
const ROLL_OUT_NUM = 256;
const scores = [];
let bCpy = new Board(this.C, this.komi);
for (let i = 0; i < ROLL_OUT_NUM; i++) {
return mostCommon(scores);
* 碁盤クラスです。
export class Board extends BaseBoard {
* ニューラルネットワークを使用する際の入力フィーチャーを生成します。
* @param {Integer} symmetry
* @returns {Float32Array}
feature(symmetry = 0) {
const array = new Float32Array(this.C.BVCNT * FEATURE_CNT);
const my = this.turn;
const opp = IntersectionState.opponentOf(this.turn);
const N = KEEP_PREV_CNT + 1;
for (let p = 0; p < this.C.BVCNT; p++) {
array[featureIndex(this.C.getSymmetricRawVertex(p, symmetry), 0)] = this.state[this.C.rv2ev(p)] === my ? 1.0 : 0.0;
for (let p = 0; p < this.C.BVCNT; p++) {
array[featureIndex(this.C.getSymmetricRawVertex(p, symmetry), N)] = this.state[this.C.rv2ev(p)] === opp ? 1.0 : 0.0;
for (let i = 0; i < KEEP_PREV_CNT; i++) {
for (let p = 0; p < this.C.BVCNT; p++) {
array[featureIndex(this.C.getSymmetricRawVertex(p, symmetry), i + 1)] = this.prevState[i][this.C.rv2ev(p)] === my ? 1.0 : 0.0;
for (let p = 0; p < this.C.BVCNT; p++) {
array[featureIndex(this.C.getSymmetricRawVertex(p, symmetry), N + i + 1)] = this.prevState[i][this.C.rv2ev(p)] === opp ? 1.0 : 0.0;
let is_black_turn, is_white_turn;
if (my === IntersectionState.BLACK) {
is_black_turn = 1.0;
is_white_turn = 0.0;
} else {
is_black_turn = 0.0;
is_white_turn = 1.0;
for (let p = 0; p < this.C.BVCNT; p++) {
array[featureIndex(p, FEATURE_CNT - 2)] = is_black_turn;
array[featureIndex(p, FEATURE_CNT - 1)] = is_white_turn;
return array;
* ニューラルネットワークで局面を評価します。
* ランダムに局面を対称変換させる機能を持ちます。
* @param {NeuralNetwork} nn
* @param {bool} random
* @returns {Float32Array[]}
async evaluate(nn, randomSymmetry = true) {
const symmetry = randomSymmetry ? random(0, 7) : 0;
let [prob, value] = await nn.evaluate(this.feature(symmetry));
if (symmetry !== 0) {
const p = new Float32Array(prob.length);
for (let rv = 0; rv < this.C.BVCNT; rv++) {
p[rv] = prob[this.C.getSymmetricRawVertex(rv, symmetry)];
p[prob.length - 1] = prob[prob.length - 1];
prob = p;
return [prob, value];